собака is what you call a dog in russian. why did you want know anyway?
In Russian, the word for dog is собака (pronounced: suh-BAH-ka).
The Borzoi is a Russian breed of dog historically used for hunting wolves. They are known for their speed, agility, and strength, making them well-suited for hunting large game.
A loyal friendly dog.
If he black dog, call him chocolate If he brown dog, call him tan wog If he white dog, call him white trash
The Chihuahua is the second smallest breed of dog in the world, with the smallest being the Russian Toy Terrier.
In Russian, the word for dog is собака (pronounced: suh-BAH-ka).
In Russian, "dog boy" can be translated as "собачник" (sobachnik).
Female dog = "Сука."
No there was no dog . But the Russian sent a dog called Lyka.
i dont know, could you tell me the name of the russian dog?
A Russian father is typically referred to as a "отец" (otec) in the Russian language.
a russian dog!
The Russian money is called the rouble.
German Shepard, Boxer, and English Bull Dog.
In the latin alphabet, it would be pronounced:Sobaka for dog
What do you call a Russian animal that gives milk...A Moscow. What do you do to watch a Russian hockey team from afar...Ukraine your neck. What do you call a cross between a Russian and an Irishman...Sam O'var.
no,but you can call a dog that you can call a dog anything