A word that can be spelled the same way forwards and backwards is called a palindrome.
A word that is the same spelled backwards and forwards is called a palindrome.
When a word can be spelled the same way forwards and backwards, it is called a palindrome.
The term for when words are spelled forwards then backwards is a palindrome. This means that the word reads the same in both directions.
The word 'pans' spelled backwards is 'snap'.
A word that is spelled the same both forwards and backwards is referred to as a Palindrome.
A palindrome
HI: A palindrome.
A word that can be spelled the same way forwards and backwards is called a palindrome.
I call it "neat". I don't know what "they" call it. Who are "they"? - Ern.
The three-letter word for energy that is the same spelled backwards and forwards is "rad."
A word that is the same spelled backwards and forwards is called a palindrome.
They are called palindromes.