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A tile installer or tile setter.

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Q: What do you call a person putting floor tiles?
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Related questions

What do you call a person putting a floor?

A tile installer or tile setter.

What do you call a floor of a house?

Tiles are the "square things". Altogether, the tiles make up the floor.

What do you call it when someone dropped rubish on the floor?

That person is a litter-lout, who is littering by dropping rubbish on the floor.

What do you call an art work with tiles?

A picture made with with tiles and stone is a mosaic.

What would an American call a flat to live in?

In America, a flat is an apartment. You might call that person an apartment dweller, a tenant, a renter, or in the case of a coop, they would be called the owner.

How do you call the floor above cellar?

In the UK we call it the ground floor.

How can you add tiles to Scrabble?

Google "replacement floor tiles". Example of what may be found: or google "floor tile replacements" Examples found:,,20057064,00.html

What are the dots on dominoes called?

They call the tiles "bones." The pile of shuffled tiles is the "boneyard."

What do you call a garden tool for catching reptiles?

Catching tiles

How do I find a reputable person to restore badly stained terrazzo floors in a school bathroom?

Call a terrazzo floor installer.

What type of adesive to fix ceramic tiles to vynl?

Call the local home Depot & ask to talk with someone in Dept #23 Floor & wall.. They can recommend a pre mixed Mastic & give you the bucket sizes available & cost

How much does it cost to have ceramic floor tile removed?

The cost of the removal of a ceramic tiled floor can vary depending on the company used and size of the area that the floor covers. It is best to call different contractors to obtain estimates before settling on one. One may also save some money by breaking the tiles up themselves, and then hiring someone to remove the grout.