A person between 50 and 60 years old is commonly referred to as "middle-aged."
A person who is 70 years old is commonly referred to as septuagenarian, while someone between 70-79 years old is considered to be in their seventies.
A person who has lived for 100 years is called a centenarian.
A person who is 40 years old is commonly referred to as being in their forties.
A nonagenarian is between 90 and 99 years of age. This is preceded by the octogenarian, and is followed by the centenarian.
A person between 50 and 60 years old is commonly referred to as "middle-aged."
A person who is 70 years old is commonly referred to as septuagenarian, while someone between 70-79 years old is considered to be in their seventies.
if u are talking bout it to some1 else, there called the elderly. but if u are speaking to the person directly u should call them by there name.
A person in their eighties is a octogenarian, a person in their nineties is a nonagenarian, so I guess a person in their seventies is either a septuagenerian or heptgenerarian.Good luck
A nanogenarian is a person between 90 and 99 years of age.
Such a person is a centenarian.
A centenarian is a person who is 100 years old or more. Once they are 110 they are called supercentenarians.
A person who has lived for 100 years is called a centenarian.
This period is called the Middle Ages, a period of little scholastic advancement in Europe that leads to its other name, the Dark Ages.