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The correct answer is Irene. This is a play of the standard answer of what do you call a woman with one leg? (Eilleen).

Where did the one legged waitress work? iHop.

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Q: What do you call a one legged Asian woman?
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your moms is a one legged woman with three arms and they call her one legged timmy

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Irene Reid

What blues singer sang about a one eyed woman leaving her husband for a one legged man?

Irene Reed

Where can you buy an Asian woman?

Asian women are not chattel, although they appear to be to some people. If you want to help out an Asian woman or even have her as a maid then that's one thing, but to buy her. Forget it!

How can you find a beautiful Asian woman to marry?

Just go to Asia. You will find one instantly.

Do Asian girls like lazy white guys?

Really? No one likes a lazy person. To impress a woman, Asian or not, you better show her you are a good worker.

What is the name of a Asian woman the wrote a book on investing and also is known as Asian goddess of investing?

Zhang Xin is considered one of Asia's foremost investors.

Has there ever been a one legged pope?

No, as far as can be determined there has never been a one-legged pope.

What do you call a woman in Italy?

Singorina for a young woman or unmarried one, Signora for an older lady or a married one.

Did Theodore Roosevelt have a one legged chicken?

Yes! Actually, according to Highlights Magazine, January 2009, it was a one-legged rooster.

What Does Maynard Keenan Like In women?

Maynard like woman of Asian decent. Woman who are fit. Women with ripe breasts. and has only been known to like one blonde.

Where does a one legged women work?

Ihop! :)