Answer There are many words that you could use, none of which I am allowed to specify on here as we aren't supposed to use curse words. A POMPOUS FOOL!!!
There is no special name for a woman whose husband cheats on her. The name of a man whose wife cheats on him is a cuckold.
Your wife cheats on you with another man. Your wife cheats on you with another woman. Your wife cheats on you with a dog. Your wife cheats on you with a horse...
Such a man would not appear to respect his wife or his marriage vows.
he desperately cheats on his wife with you:)
Atticus Finch calls a white man who cheats a black man "trash."
The wife
a guy
you can but don't do it man"!"
A man who has cheated on his wife with a mistress and then does it again with you, is a man who is motivated by lust, and who will never be sexually faithful to anyone. If he should ever tell you that he intends to leave his wife and marry you instead, don't believe him.
He is a widower.