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Q: What do you call a girl whose attracted to another girl?
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Can a boy be in love with a girl and sexually attracted to another girl?

Depends if you're boyfriend is a hussy or not!

What does it mean when a girl tells another girl she wants to f you?

It means she is sexually attracted to you and she wants to have sex with you.

How come when girlskissgirls they enjoy it?

It depends on the girl. If The girl is Lesbian or bisexual she would enjoy kissing a girl because she is attracted to her. A "bi- curious" or questioning girl will enjoy to kiss another girl because that is something she always wanted to try or do. Be intimate with another female. STRAIGHT WOMEN WILL NOT ENJOY KISSING ANOTHER GIRL IF SHE IS NOT BI CURIOUS because she is not attracted to women.

Am a girl that's looking for another girl?

If you feel attracted to only girls and find that you are no longer interested in men than you are a lesbien. If you feel attracted to men and woman that you are bisexual. If you are attracted to only men than you are straight.

What do you call a girl whose into Pokemon?

well some girls do. It really depends on the girl.

What do you call a girl that like's another girl?

a lesbian

Are you lesbian if you like guys and girls?

"Lesbian" is a term used to identify a girl that is sexually attracted to another girl. If you are sexually attracted to both sexes (boys as well as girls), then you would be bisexual - someone who is sexually attracted to boys andgirls.

If a girl sits on a guys lap and plays with his hair-does this mean their attracted to one another?

It doesn't necessarily mean he is attracted or interested in her but she is seemingly interested in him.

What does and older girl call a younger boy in Korean?

If your a girl and another girl is older then you, you call them Unnie. It does not matter if the girl is a sibling, cousin, or friend they are still known as Unnie. Unnie means that if your a girl and another girl is older then you simply call her Unnie

Is a girl gay if she takes showers with another girl?

Not that doesn't mean she gay. She is only gay if she's sexually attracted to other girls.

Is it bad to make out with a girl but not be attracted to her?

If the girl does not know that you are not attracted to her, it is bad to make out with the girl. You could end up hurting her feelings if she is attracted to you and thinks that you feel the same.

If someone call you a nugget what does it mean?

Nugget means a cute girl or someone whose short.