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You call a Mexican girl's 15 birthday a quinceanera

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Q: What do you call a Mexican 16th girls birthday?
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What do you call a Mexican birthday party?

The Quinceañera or sweet 15.

What do they call Christmas in Mexican?

The language of Mexico is Spanish. The holiday that the English speakers call Christmas is called Navidad in Spanish. That means "the birthday."

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I have a german mom and a mexican dad so will people call me a mexican or german?

Most likely people will call you a German Mexican.

How do you call Mexican's coin?

Mexican Peso (MXP)

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A lucky Mexican

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What do you call a person who his perents are Mexicans and he is not Mexican?

Well, I hope what you're trying to ask is "What do you call a person who's parents were born in Mexico, but they were not." You call someone who was born in Mexico, Mexican. Someone who's parents are Mexican (Born in Mexico) they are called Mexican- Americans.

What does mexcio call there money?

The Mexican currency is the Mexican Peso or MXN.

What do you call a Mexican sweet 16 birthday?

In the Mexican culture, we actually celebrate the 15th Birthday, which is called a Quincenaera (which is basically a sweet sixteen celebration in the America culture). The Quincenaera is basically a 15th birthday celebration where the parents and family members of the (Birthday girl) acknowledge that she is becoming a woman and will be eligible to marry.....but of course not until she's older. This is just a celebration of her transitioning from childhood to womanhood. The most important component of the celebration is invariably a Misa de accion ( a thanksgiving Mass). The mass is were she is specially seated at the foot of the altar throughout the service. The Quinceanera traditionally has the option for further celebrating...and if your Mexican your sure to celebrate more! Usually the parent's or padrinos (godparent's) will either rent out a ballroom or select another area for the celebration. The degree of opulence of the event is directly related to the economic means of the girls parent's and the padrinos (god parent's).

What do they call America back in 16th century?

The New World