It means you need to work on your relationship with that women
men and women need equal power in a relationship as a man i know that my girlfriend needs just as much power
u need to dump his sorry but
A loving relationship is based on trust. To love someone you need to care about them and how they feel. Men and women have loving relationships that can last forever.
Women who cheat on their man have some serious issues. Most women cheat because they are bored or unhappy in their relationship. If you are not happy in your realtionship you need to move on. Or you can sit down and talk to partner about why you are not happy. Cheating is never the answer.
Greed. It also means that he's not interested or not capable of an actual relationship.
A relationship between a man and a women is known as heterosexual relationship
two timer!
I believe that they can...
my relationship to black women in America is fine, I have girl friends that are black and we have a lot of fun and some things in common...
An extremely attractive, promiscuous women, who is not meant to be in a relationship and will not be a relationship person.