In Punjabi, you can say "ਮਜੇਦਾਰ" (majedar) to mean funny.
a funny word to say
You can say "c'est drôle" in French to mean "it's funny".
a funny word to say
Funny Women was created in 2003.
it is a term that We the people use: it indicates a funny slang that is great to say... it means anything you want it to mean.. but it has to be funny
No, she was somewhat funny when she was skinny, not to say that skinny women are ugly, no always so, i see pretty skinny women daily
when people tell u 2 tell them sumthin funny they mean 2 tell them sumthin that u kno will make them laugh
A "cocky funny" person is a person who conveys aspects of being a funny person and someone who is very sure of themselves. For men, this can create sexual attraction from women.
It means rich women
It can mean 2 things, the funny way or the perverted way. The funny way is to shoot someone and say BLAM!!!!. You have to find out the perverted way. Get a life noob.
To say "funny" in Scottish, you can use the word "fun."