It depends on what kind of HPT you used. They are not all the same. Read the instructions. EPT test
One blue line means negative. Two blue lines means positive. No lines take a new test.
most likely yes.
it has 3 blue lines and two white lines
two lines mean pregnant !
it means that two straight lines that will never connect
Usually a single line indicates a negative result and two lines means positive.
The zone between the two blue lines
The SAS logo is a two large blue lines swirled together with another pair of blue lines forming what some may call an "S".
The presence of two blue lines usually means a positive result. The instructions usually include a picture of how it should look for both results. The second line usually shows that the test is complete, and if a line shows before it, that generally means you are pregnant.
java script
A "clerihew is a poem with 4 lines,about a person,first two lines rhyme,second two lines rhyme,and they are funny.
That's a negative result...