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Not to sound mean or anything, but aren't you a bit young to be dating? I know you probably get this alot, so I'll try to help you. Well, first off check your school. There should be plenty of cute guys crawling around. lol If not when you go to middle school, there will be TONS of hot guys. Up to age 14, even. So, have fun, flirt, and snag your man!

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15y ago
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11mo ago

At that age, girls might find boys who are kind, funny, respectful, and confident attractive. Common interests, good conversations, and a sense of humor can also be appealing traits. It's important to remember that each individual is unique and may have different preferences.

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13y ago

well, I think that most guys at any age think that girls with big boobs are hot, personally i think that is silly, whatever you do don't try to stuff your bra to make this a part of you! I am a 12 year old girl and i am REALLY good with this stuff, it can be hard to tell what guys like sometimes, so get to know him, get to know what he likes in friends personalities and what he likes in general, just make sure to know his personality before you make any moves. I know that they like girls who act like themselves and don't try to change themselves to be who other people want them to be. they like girls who are cute and nice. give them some time, at this age they are pretty much just starting to have any serious feelings about girls, they are just getting used to being attracted to girls too.

just be your self, dress to your top ability without looking trashy, and hope for the best.

it is even okay to draw a LITTLE bit of attention to yourself, like walk by him with a friend and laugh, and if you are lucky he will look your way and think you are cute. be friendly to him and his friends and maybe even talk to him a little to lure him in. I hope this helps and gets you the guy you want!

I am a 12 yr old boy, and guys our age mostly like girls who are funny,cute,laugh every once in a while,most times stick up for themselves,it really depends on what guy you are interested in.He may like you,he may not,he is probably looking for a perfect girl to date to.Guys are curious about girls that have went through puberty faster and have boobs,guys may like girls who haven't yet,again,it may depend on what kind of guy he is.Chao and hope this helps a little more!!

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13y ago

. Well, this will be fun because i just turned 13.

1) They are attractive

2) They are nice and outgoing. not shy.

3) They are good at sports.

4) They talk to you like you are the most beautiful girl in the world.

5) They tell you you are pretty.

6) They stare at you in class.

7) their asses look good in jeans

8) They make the first move.

9) After they make a basket or a touchdown in sports, they look at you and do nothing but smile. Make sure you smilee back!

10) when their hair is the perfect length, and not all messy and all over the place.

11) when thay wear the sexiest cologne.

There is much much more...

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13y ago

LOL well boys my age all they think about is if your hot, and stuff. Like i have a friend that is a guy we have known each other for a long time. and in class i asked him a question and i looked at his face and he was looking at my breasts! i got a little annoyed. i started speaking louder so he would look at my face. But when you are like 12 I think 12 year olds are mature enough not to care about that stuff. more percent of 12 year old boys care about hottness but hey, there is a guy somewhere thats just right

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Yes.! Some of us girls love when a boy is 0-1 year older then is to make us feel more alive. More present

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