The Pistole Parabellum (miscalled a Luger) was made by the government, and for civilian use. You MAY be referring to the Waffenamt markings- or Government Arms Agency- showing this was a military firearm of the German military. In a similar manner, the British used a "Broad Arrow" mark, the US a bomb with a burning fuse, and Japan a stylized chrysanthemum
Order of the German Eagle was created in 1937.
The current German eagle is ultimately derived from the arms of the Holy Roman Empire, which in turn had adopted the eagle of ancient Rome.
If they are the non-denominated US stamps, there is an identifier on the USPS web site. For collector values, check an online catalog, such as Mystic Stamps.
A German eagle tattoo symbolizes pride in German heritage and national identity. The eagle has been a symbol of power, strength, and freedom in German culture for centuries. It is often associated with the country's history, traditions, and values.
The Bundesadler (federal eagle) is the German symbol of state
The German word for Eagle is "Adler". "The Eagle" is "Der Adler" when it's the subject of a sentence.
the natioanal German animal is............ The Black Eagle
An eagle.
The Iron Eagle.
The Nazi German eagle was the emblem of the German Reich under Hitler's regime. It symbolized power, strength, and nationalism. The eagle featured a swastika, which was a central symbol of the Nazi Party representing their ideologies of racial purity and superiority.
There are many German Eagle stamps. Identify the stamp using a catalog. This may involve learning about perforations, watermarks and colors as well as condition. The catalog will provide a value. The value is what a collector could expect to pay for a stamp in fine/very fine condition. If selling, most cases you would be lucky to get 75% of the catalog, unless it is very valuable, then an auction would be worth looking into. The most common American catalog for identification is Scott's. Others are Stanley Gibbons, Minkus and even the US Postal Service Catalog of stamps.
The eagle is the national animal of Germany.