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They eat the gingerbread house after Christmas!

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Q: What do people usually do with their gingerbread houses after Christmas is over?
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Related questions

What country did the ginger bread house come from?

Since 1991, the people of Bergen, Norway, have built a city of gingerbread houses each year before Christmas.

Why do people make houses?

The tradition began after the Grimm brothers published their fairy tale stories about the wicked witch with the house made of gingerbread. in the 17th Century, only professional bakers were allowed to produce gingerbread -- except during Christmas and Easter, when anyone was allowed to try baking it. So it became associated with the two holidays, but nowadays most people only make the houses at Christmas.

Where does the saying the gilt has worn off the gingerbread come from?

That phrase is not talking about the gingerbread you eat! Victorian Era houses had a lot of decorative woodwork that was called "gingerbread" because it looked a bit like the decorative gingerbread houses people make. If your gingerbread on your house had gold leaf rubbed on, it was gilded, or gilt. "The gilt has worn off the gingerbread" thus means that time has passed and the decorations aren't as pretty - in other words, the newness has worn off.

Do Swedish people hang gingerbread people on their Christmas trees?

Some may but as far as I have seen it is not very common.

What food idoms do people string on garlands for Christmas?

Sticks of rock Dried fruits Gingerbread shapes

Do people decorate their houses at Christmas?

Not all people decorate their houses for Christmas but most people put up lights on their house and some put decorations up in their yard.

What traditions do German families have on Christmas?

some traditions are that you have to close the hallway doors all the time . also you decorate your Christmas trees with candles . also when a baby girl is born people plant trees when her wedding day is set they sell the trees for her dowry.

Why do people make gingerbread houses?

The tradition began after the Grimm brothers published their fairy tale stories about the wicked witch with the house made of gingerbread. in the 17th Century, only professional bakers were allowed to produce gingerbread -- except during Christmas and Easter, when anyone was allowed to try baking it. So it became associated with the two holidays, but nowadays most people only make the houses at Christmas.

What do people decorate their houses with for Christmas?

Snowmen, santa clauses, lights, deer,

How do Australasian people celebrate Christmas?

they usually have a barbeque as christmas is in summer

What are some Christmas Traditions in Zimbabwe?

It is common for for people in Zimbabwe to go to church on Christmas morning. After church, people have parties at their houses, and the neighborhood all stops in to see each other. They decorate with ivy, but usually only in the main room. There are candlelight services in the public parks where people go to sing carols. Chicken is the traditional Christmas dinner.

On what day of the year is Christmas celebrated in Turkey?

In Turkey, people take New Year like Christmas so people decorate Christmas trees, decorate their houses or invite their friends, go to parties (it usually happens on the 31th December) so I can say that it's weird a bit in Turkey.I live in Turkey btw.