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they like it and they wont live it

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Q: What do people say about legalizing marijuana and there against it?
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What are your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

It would be a big mistake. Some people say marijuana is a soft drug, non addictive, no side affects etc etc. I used marijuans for 13 years and had a real struggle to stop once I realized it was destroying my life. It is an insidious drug. It will destroy our young people. I read this in a book about marijuana and it sums up marijuana precisely - "beware herein lie dragons"

What percentage of us citizens smoke marijuana?

The answer to this will never be accurate because many people who use marijuana say that they don't.

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They do have a say against the government

How marijuana came to existence?

lets just say some people are stupid

How do you say do you smoke marijuana in Spanish?

fumando marijuana .

Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

There are a couple reason people can - understandable - be against the legalization of it. However, those reasons are already present in what's already legal, for the most part, which is the main argument used in legalizing it. Some of the reasons against legalizing it is the fear of teenager use either going up or being more easily accessible. Another fear is that traffic fatality will increase - although driving stoned is somewhat safer than driving drunk, as your vision is not as affected as when you're drunk. It is your reaction time that is slowed down, thus making driving dangerous. Another argument that is being made right now is that you can drink alcohol and nobody around you will know, but if you smoke weed, people will smell it. This is becoming a problem in Colorado, where neighbors are beginning to smell marijuana. Last but not least, I've heard a couple police departments say their reason was due to the fact that alcohol and cigarettes were only still legal because it is integrated into society and they couldn't keep it illegal, but making marijuana legal would only add to problems. However, this argument can now be countered with statistics from both Colorado and Washington, where a lot of crime rates have gone down (as of June 2014).

What is another words of marijuana?

pot, weed, hemp (although hemp is actually its own thing that is only related to marijuana and you can't really get high from smoking it, but for whatever reason people mean marijuana when they say it sometimes)

Why do some people believe that marijuana use leads to hard drug use?

Because somebody told them so. It's not uncommon for people who smoke marijuana to be exposed to harder drugs due to the fact that drug dealers sometimes sell other drugs as well as marijuana. However, most people say no to the other drugs as the marijuana is better and has no negative effects as opposed to unnatural things that can mess people up.

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As just about everyone in the world is 'against' cancer what they say about it would vary considerably.

Can a crime exist without law?

This depends on what you define as "crime." If you define "crime" as "an illegal act," or "something that is against the law," then no, as a definitional matter, "crime" cannot exist without law. This is why, for example, some people talk about "decriminalizing" marijuana and "legalizing" marijuana as if this were the same thing.Of course, it really does us no good to say that "crime would not exist without law," because the same actions which we now call "crimes" (and which society deems repugnant enough to forbid through law) would still exist no matter what. Because it's the harm-causing action that we care about (not the word itself), it would be completely counterproductive to try to eliminate "crime" by taking away laws.

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some people are for and some people are against it

How do you say marijuana?
