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People celebrate many things. From birthdays to things that happened a long time ago to the arrival of an old friend. Celebration seems to be a universal human activity.

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Q: What do people celebrate other than Christmas?
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When did other religions start celebrating Christmas?

No religion other than Christianity celebrates Christmas as part of their religion. Many people who are not Christians celebrate Christmas, but they celebrate it as a secular holiday, not as a religious one.

How many people celebrate Christmas around the world?

About 2.1 billion people are Christian in the world. Many people, including non-Christian's, celebrate Christmas so more than 2.1 billion people celebrate Christmas.

How many people celebrate Christmas in the Netherlands?

more than 100 people

Do children in Mexico receive gifts at Christmas?

Mexicans who believe in Christmas or who celebrate it, do indeed have a Christmas tree. I know someone who lives in Mexico. It's the same thing, if they are Jewish, they celebrate Hanukkah, if they are Christian they celebrate Christmas.

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Christmas in Ireland is the same length as it is in every other country. It is 12 days. People tend to stop celebrating only after a few days, and that is the same in Ireland as it is in other countries. So Ireland doesn't really celebrate Christmas any longer than any other country.

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There are no official estimates, but only 1.5 Billion people on the planet are Christian, and Non-Christians only make up a minority of Christmas celebrators. Based on this information, more than 5 billion people do not celebrate Christmas.

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What religion was it who couldn't celebrate Christmas in any other way than in prayer?

i think its the Jew's

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Obviously, there's Saint Davids Day, which is celebrated on the 1st of March. Other than that, everything is the same as England.

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Christmas Answer: Although more money is spent on Christmas than Thanksgiving (food + gifts vs. food), more people celebrate Thanksgiving (a secular holiday) than Christmas ( a Christian religious holiday.)

Why interchange the words Christmas and holiday?

People who use the word "holiday" are trying to be inclusive of people who celebrate other winter-time holidays than Christmas (e.g. Ramadan, Hanukkah, etc.). It's meant to be polite, and should be taken that way.

How do Burundians celebrate Christmas?

This country's population is estimated to be more than ten million people, and about 80% of them are Christians.