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most of them eat chicken and salad.

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Q: What do models eat to stay thin?
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How do you be thin like Victoria's Secret models?

Mostly portion control. They eat alot of unprocessed foods; this includes fruits and vegetables, and they drink lots of water. They also do a lot of cardio excercise to stay thin but not gain too much muscle.

How do models become thin?

Many models are very tall and thin to begin with. They often watch what they eat and diet and exercise to maintain a thin frame. Many do have "poor" eating habits or eating disorders to maintain an extreme thinness, too.

What is a sentence for well-balanced?

If you want to stay thin, eat a well-balanced diet.

What is the best way to be thin?

To get thin, eat less calories than you're body burns. Introduce more cardiovascular exercise into your lifestyle and eat foods with a lower calorie count. To stay thin, eat as many calories as your body burns. Always eat a balanced diet and decrease weight slowly.

What does catwalk models eat?

There is no specific guideline as to what catwalk models eat but because they are required to be so thin, they often resort to unhealthy eating habits. Many starve themselves, or purge their food after eating it. Others eat very little and substitute meals with smoking or the use of laxatives.

How do the American gypsies stay thin?

They workout and eat right. Many of them are housewives and have the extra time to keep in shape.

How does the modeling industry influence the growth rate of bulimia and anorexia?

The sample sizes that are available for the models to wear would be like 0 or 00. Designers demand that the models be thin because it is seen as being more attractive in high fashion. In order to stay that thin, the girls go to such lengths as to throw up anything they eat or starve themselves to lose the pounds. This fad was started by the model Twiggy, who became a favorite and was voted "The Face of 1966"

What do models do to stay skinny?

A lot of models eat pretty healthy. And exercise everyday. But, if you want to be one of those models that doesn't eat anything; then you can chew on ice. Of course, and not eat. But really; if you don't eat often then when you do eat your body will think, "I don't get this enough, I have to store fat" So if you're a smart people and/or model you will eat 9 frequent small nutritional meals through out the day every 3 hours or so.

Why was Aaliyah so thin?

how did Aaliyah got so thin and stay thin

What will happen if the industry continues to use anorexic models?

Not all models are anorexic. It is important to remember that some people are just naturally thin. But if un-naturally thin models are used or a "thin is better" idea keeps up, more people will feel the pressure to be thin. This can easily lead to a rise in eating disorders.

What do you call very thin models?

You call them anorexic .

What is the reason of becoming thin?

People often become thin because they think they are fat, mostly. The media often influences people to think that they are fat e.g models always looking perfectly skinny. The only reason that most models are skinny is they constantly diet. Just as long as you eat healthily and exercise a lot you'll be fine. If you are becoming thin without any explanation, you may have a tapeworm.