what a man does only once in his entire life but women does every time?
What is done every day by men but women only do it once in a lifetime may refer to Mecca. The riddle is Muslim in origin and the original phrasing is that it's done three times a day by men.
Some positve life quotes would be like, "Always do %110," or, "You only live once, if you do it right, once is enough." These quotes are very broad and connect to almost anything humans do in everyday life.
You only go around once in life means you only have one life to live, you only live once.
Both the man and the woman should work everyday if they want to grow the economy of their countries.
No it will make you bald, once a week only
Women can have many pleasures by using adult toys in their sex life。 pinkdildo.net
In the United States many women get married many times but they only marry one man at a time. Other women only get married once.
Jogging, walking, bicycling, etc. are all good to do everyday. You should definitely exercise everyday to stay in shape and in good condition.It is good to jog everyday. Studies show that women or men that jog everyday are healthier then women or men that jog once a month and once a week. If you need or want to exercise than jogging everyday is for you. You don't need special equipment or special clothes. The only thing you have to do is go outside and jog. (Preferably in something other than jeans though) Even if you jog everyday, if you skip one day it doesn't necessarily mean that all of your hard work won't pay off. So, be healthy and jog or at least try everyday.
The men work everyday because they are the family winners in most of the countries. In most of the countries women are usually home makers that is why they don't work daily.