a lawn gnome that looks like your mom
No! Lepercons aren't real (or at least I've never seen one) :)
they are tings that are not real
Nothing because they don't exist.
no, they protect themselves XD I have to laugh at that, but it is true they protect themselves.
So the lepercons don't pinch ya
For those that believe in small, Irish leprechauns, it is to guard a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. To be mythical and mysterious.
you find leper cons when it is a rainy day outside. you go outside and look for a lost penny on heads. you say find me a leper con .than you go to the end of a drawing of a washed rainbow and you will a imaginary leper con named Good Luck.
what does a parallegram look like? what does a parallegram look like? what does a parallegram look like?
how does cottons look like how does cottons look like
We would write either "How did it look?" or "What did it look like?"