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Don't go out with her

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Not go out with her

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Q: What do i do if im not sure if i want to go out with a girl?
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Want to go out sometime?

If ur a boy sure. im a girl

What age should you go out with a girl?

heyy, Im steph (12). I reackon whenever you feel ready you can go out with a girl but you have to be mature and be sure about what you want to do . Love Steph <3

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dunno... mind you, who would want to go out with shino??? i dont know but im sure a wierd butt prettty girl would fall in love with him

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go ahead and ask her out what do you have to lose?

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When a girl asks you out,look at her in the eyes then make your disicion.If you don't then just say'' Im really sorry but i don't want to go out with you.Or if you say yes then say''Umm well sure!

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Im not sure, but if you want it on a ipod or something just use youtube converter.

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Im not sure if there is a Super Target but im sure there is a Target and if you want groceries you cn go to a Wal-Mart or something.

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