It really depends on the guy who is looking for another guy, same as what a straight guy looks for in a woman.
Most guys look for cleavege and a nice back, (butt)
Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions was created in 2009.
some guys just ask. or they may also look for chances.
dark look
some guys do
Maybe they look when you're not looking at them! Some guys are shy and don't want to be caught looking at a girl.
Most people look at other people's pants. There's no way not to look at someone's pants unless you are blind.
we look for guys who are funny and interesting. guys who try to be cool are really dumb because they're not good...girls want guys who are smart.
Realy good.! Some guys look great and it looks nice. Pink is not only for girls.
confront him ask him y he is look in at u
It means you look cute or you need a makeover