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If the 'guy' truly loves the girl that he is kissing, the only thing that he is required to like is the girl he is kissing. There does not have to be a 'special something' such as makeup because many boys prefer not to get caked in makeup after kissing a girl.

well you have to twist your head to the side or tilt it then when you guys start to kiss just lean forward and when your lets met pucker up your lips also we a little lip gloss if your lips are chapped

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14y ago
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15y ago

This depends on the guy's personal preference. It might also depend on the girl's weight.

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13y ago

Grabbing their butt is usually a pleasurable action! Get in there deep and maybe a little finger in the crack. Make sure you don't over due it though! Be cool and comfortable!

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Q: What do guys like when kissing?
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Why do guys like to kiss?

Kissing can be fun.

What is gay kissing?

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No French kissing is,when u use tongue emo kissing is when 2 emo guys kiss but they're not gay they r J's showing compassion to each other but they're wats called homosexual which is when guys like girls and girls like guys. But in I guess emo culture emo kissing is a,way to show u like rht person as a friend.

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Yes, it's called kissing! ;)

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It depends on the guy, I consider it to be Sexy, other might not...

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No, most guys do not like to wear lipgloss and would feel very self-conscious if they had to wear it while kissing a girl. I agree most guys would not like to kiss a girl who is wearing lipgloss on her lips, my husband has never liked kissing me with lipstick or lipgloss on. as long as i get kissed or i kiss her im satisfied

Why when guys kiss it's gross but when girls kiss it's ok?

Not all guys kissing is gross, just sometimes but its because they are unsure how and slobber a bit. But its not really gross its kind of funny. Girls kissing is okay cause they go for it short and easy instead of trying to make out! It's the way you see it. Not everyone sees it the same way as you ! A gay guy would think guys kissing is OK, but maybe not with girls kissing, whereas a straight guy will think guys kissing is gross, but girls kissing exciting !

Does boys like to kiss girls a lot?

if they are like 13 or older than oh yeah kissing is the MINIMUM. trust me guys have no conscience.

What can 6th grade guys and girls do about kissing on the lips?

* * * *

Do guys like it when you play with their lip piercings while kissing?

No because it is very disgusting and doesn't even look attractive

Is it funner to kiss girls or guys?

That depends on how much you like the person, how good they are at kissing and how much they like you. In short: It differs per couple.

What is it like to rub your penis with another guy's penis?

this is an activity called frottage or frot and is quite pleasurable for those guys who enjoy it. Especially good if the guys enjoy kissing while they do it.