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They usually go to the movies or something.

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Q: What do guys do with girls when hanging out as friends?
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What do you consider 2 girls and 2 guys at the movies?

Friends who like cinema. I consider it a bunch of friends hanging out nothing more.

Do guys prefer hanging out with guys or with a girlfriend?

Some guys who have a girlfriend prefer hanging out with their girlfriend depending on their age. Other's prefer their friends and may not have a girlfriend.

Do guys look at other girls while they have girl friends?

some guys do

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Girls do like guys and she probably likes him.

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because guys like it

Why do girls have twice as many facebook friends as guys?

probably their boyfriend's friends

Why do guys bark at girls?

Guys worth having as friends respect girls and don't shout at them. Shouting is a bad sign.

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Well most guys like girls as friends and since MattyB is really young he probably likes a lot of girls as friends.

Can guys and girls really just be friends?

Not in my o[pinion.

Are guys better friends then girls?

I don't know. I'm a girl and I find that my tomboy frien is one of the best friends I hav ever had!ANSWERMy group of friends are a mixture of girls and boys but in primary all my friends were guys cause im a total tomboy i make better friends with guys easier cause i share there interests.

How evil is school?

VERY but you get to see you friends and hot guys or girls(for me hot guys) EVERY EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What girls want guys to do to them?

Girls want guys to hold their hand, be silly with them, hang out together, and just do the things really good friends would do