A woman's private parts refer to her genitalia, including the vagina and external structures like the labia and clitoris. These parts are typically considered private and not for public discussion or exposure.
They are just being perverts and they like talking about that even though they shouldn't.
you mean like private parts? vagina
Well tell her how you feel. Not in front of your wife but in private. If you like this girl then do something about it. If you don't TELL HER..Talk to your wife and make sure she's not getting jealous about it. You need to talk to this girl and tell her to stop. Its not like your single anymore and can play around. You have a wife..your job is to keep her happy now =)
looks bad
Because they like it.
Dogs clean their private parts because it's actually like giving themselves a bath, and it's a lot easier for them.
The difference is by just looking at the private parts or bladder. By just looking at them you will know that a girl has a vagina (which looks like a hole) and a boy has a penis (which is a bit like a stick)
well when u touch are girl but in a private place like in your basment locked
You feel like something is about to come out of your private parts.
A long fat stick