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I have seen some frog pictures say F.R.O.G meaning Forever Rely on God

'The frog is a tattoo design that cuts across many cultures. As a member of the animal clan, the Frog is seen as a teacher. A lunar creature that resonates with water, it also lives on land. A cold-blooded creature, the Frog possesses an extremely sensitive skin which shamans consider magical. In many cultures, the Frog is associated with the ability to jump from one state of consciousness to another. The frog is a symbol of generation, rebirth and fertility. The Egyptian frog goddess was named Heket.'

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17y ago
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15y ago

the frog symbolises evil spirits Rev 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. but the nonbelievers have their opinions as to what it represents as well but The Bible is the final authority remember it is the key of knowledge LUke 11:52

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9y ago

Symbolic meaning of the frog deals with:

  • Creativity
  • Fertility
  • Luck
  • Cleansing
  • Intuition
  • Transformation
Due to the fascinating transitions the Frog goes through in its life, it is a symbol of metamorphosis. Furthermore, the Frog's dual time spent on land and water represents duality of the soul. The Frog also symbolizes creativity and forward thinking.

Frog Animal Totems Facilitate:

  • Patience in undergoing life transitions, clarity of thought during transition
  • Embracing of personal transformation, welcoming internal morphing
  • Jump into creative thought, and leap out of habitual thinking patterns
  • Acceptance of our diversity and celebration of our opposite poles found in personality and lifestyle

It represents an unclean spirit, especially when applied to dreams. They can be used in dreams to represent something that brings pestilence and calamity.
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11y ago

Frogs are usually interpreted as transformation.

Frogs begin as eggs, become tadpoles, grow legs, and become frogs. They also begin as creatures that "breathe" underwater and transform into air breathers.

What a wonderful natural example of transformation.

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14y ago

Frogs, like all amphibians, breathe through their skin. Therefore they are susceptible to the changes in their surrounding environment. Especially the materials in the water system in which they dwell. So if frogs are abundant it indicates that the water system, pools etc. are healthy. If the level of insecticides or chemicals is too high then the frogs, contacting such poisons on their skin, would die. So when you listen to the croaking of frogs, you are listening the healthy heart-beat of nature.

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17y ago

Frogs represent life and fertility.

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