What they are suppose to do is put it in storage after confiscating it. It is suppose to remain there for trail as evidence. After some time it is suppose to be destroyed. Even though im sure they smoke it too.
Are you on drugs?, I am about to call the cops.
no it isn't but the cops are chill
If its not hidden well the cops will cite u for possession.
Call the cops for assistant.
You can get in trouble for the smallest amount, any traces of marijuana cops can bust you for but cops usually don't look really hard for little traces of marijuana
They can if you are driving. Other wise they cant test you.
idle hands
who you think you is you baser why you goin' ask that question whatch the cops is going on this website and TAKE YOU TO JAIL YOU BASER your rereself.
first off. dont say a word. And then ask them to see this so-called tape. Cops will lie to get you to say anything.
it is actually illegal in Jamaica! black people just don't care what the cops think!
If there is none left there is little the cops can actually do. But don't drive if your swerving they can do something.
It depends where you get arrested. Different countries and states have different laws. But for 0.2 grams, you'll probably just get a warning. However the cops will take your weed!