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That the person who gets it likes stars and the colors blue and gold...

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Q: What do blue and gold star tattoos mean?
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What is the difference between black-red and Black-blue star-tattoos?

Simple one is a black-red star and the other is black-blue star. The only difference is the color.

What does a blue star tattoo on the front of each shoulder stand for?

There is no universal meaning associated with a blue star tattoo on a girl. There was a point in the past where it was used among some to signify one was a lesbian, however, this is no longer the case.

What do star cluster tattoos mean?

it means that u r sexy

What does star tattoos behind the ear mean?

nothing its just cute

What is a blue star World War 2?

blue star service member in family gold star death of service member

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Star tattoos are very popular among sailors. Three star tattoos could be an indicator that the person, or a family member, is a sailor.

The mother of a soldier in a war zone can wear what type of star pin?

A blue star. If the soldier is killed, the blue star is changed to gold.

What is the meaning of stars tattoo?

the meaning of star tattoos most likely mean your from hoover

What does a northern star tattoo mean?

Star tattoos do not have a particular meaning. The meaning of the tattoo can vary from person to person.

What does a blue five-point star tattoo symbolize?

Star tattoos have multiple meanings and are subjective based on the person. The most common type in Nautical stars.

How many tattoos does Billie Piper have?

Billie Piper has got two tattoos. One on her right wrist (it is a blue star) then one on the arm saying Mr Fox 31/12/07

What do hollow star tattoos mean?

What does a 5 point star tattoo, with all the tips filled in, but the center empty mean/represent?