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They tell you what the barrel(s) is/are choked. One-full, Two=Modified, Three = Cylinder.

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Q: What do astericks mean on Belgian Browning Barrels?
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What does 2 astericks mean on a browning barrel?

Modified Choke

What does 16.65 on a browning A5 barrel mean?

Good Question This is on the older Belgian barrels. "16" stands for the guage which is a 16ga. "65" stands for the length of the chamber. In this case: 65mm = 2 9/16"

What is the value of a 32 Belgian Browning automatic stamped WAa140 in good condition?

These number don't identify what the gun is, nor is it a Browning Serial number. What do you mean by "32"?

Is the steel in Japanese made Browning shotguns barrels better than Belgium made barrles?

The steel is stronger, but that doesnt nescesarilly mean its better

What does x mean in serial number for a 1976 browning a-5?

for belgian guns, the serial # that would start 76X xxxx "X" stands for Magnum 20ga. auto5man

What year did Browning stop making breakaway 12 Gauge shotguns?

Unsure of your meaning of "break away shotgun". If you mean breakdown shotguns like double barrels they continue to make several different models.

What does 2V mean on browning shotgun?

You will have to call Browning to find out.

What is is the name before kongo?

Do you mean the Belgian Congo?

What does 'waterzooi' mean in Belgian?

There's no such language as "Belgian". The three official languages of Belgium are French, Flemish/Dutch, and German.

What does Belge mean in French?

"Belge" in French means "Belgian," referring to something or someone from Belgium.

What does special steel mean on a browning 2000 barrel?

You will have to ask Browning.

What is the value of a 20gauge overunder Belgian Browning Lightning serial52082V8?

The sn you list does not match what Browning has on their site. Go to to see what I mean. I think you have a 1962 superposed. You don't give any particulars such as barrel length, chokes, wood, any engraving, etc. Value range 500-20000 or more.