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If you don't want him to, then tell him. If he's a good guy, he'll understand. Just be ready to tell him when you want him to stop.

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Q: What do I do if my boyfriend starts touching my breasts?
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You know your your boyfriend should back off when he starts to get over-possessive or starts touching you wrong.

What is touching the top?

Oh, dude, like, technically speaking, if something is touching the top, it's, like, whatever is in direct contact with the uppermost part of an object or surface. So, like, if you're touching the top of a table, it's your hand or whatever body part is making contact with the highest point of the table. But, like, who really cares, right?

How do you make touching a girls breasts look like an accident?

You don't. Do not be touching anyone's breast that does not want you to. And the fact that you are asking indicates that you are not old enough to be touching breasts.

What does sexual touching mean?

It means touching the breasts or penis or vagina.

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Why are there bras?

a bra is to help cover your breasts and to keep boys away from touching your breasts.

Can touching of your wife breast after childbirth leads to no pregnancy?

Touching or not touching her breasts will not affect her ability to get pregnant at all.

Should you take your bikini off in the water at the beach so that your boyfriend can touch your large breasts?

No it just makes you look bad and make it seem like your giving yourself out to everyone around you and you boyfriend shouldn't be touching your boobs in public or even at all

Is touching okay while kissing?

When you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are snogging, touching them is OK if they are cool with it.

What if your boyfriend restricts himself from touching your body?

talk to him about it.

What do you do if your boyfriend grabs your breasts and you are uncomfortable with that?

You need to tell him that, and if he doesn't respect you for that, find a better boyfriend. If that stuff keeps happening and you warned him, you could go to the police and file a case for sexual harassment... Boyfriend or not, if you are uncomfortable with anyone touching you in any area or way, you need to do something about it.