The world may never know it's what that boy like in that girl. i am in 5th grade I am a boy and i will help u to get a guy to look at u wear something that will show more of u than usaul that helps talk to him often but not too much if possible call him at home hat will get his attention when u two are freinds ask him out after a little while i did that exactly like i said it my girlfriend did all that and got me it wasn't easyfor her but it happened _____nate_c_shook said: I say:I'm in 5th grade, as I see it, most boys like girls that are tomboys, smart, and are kinda romantic.anyway,that's it.:D. 0.o
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It really depends on the guy. Some guys like girls that look hott, and some like girls that are smart, and there are some that like girls that are funny, and etc. I suggest that you be yourself and pretty soon some guy will come along that you really like and they will like you back. Hope this helps. =]
I'm seventh grade girl and this is the kind of guy I like:
Any way, I hope this helped!
Talking on AIM, going on facebook, shopping, or even shoplifting, hanging out everywhere possible example: Movies or park
It totally depends on her personality: Tomboy, or Girly Girl
another answer: r u kidding me that's not it! im 1 and like it wen guys makze the first move
another answer:I'm in 6th grade I like boys who make me laugh and like me for me. I like it when a guy can show me a good time. I like guys who are smart, funny, nice, sweet, and good looks are just an extra bonus. If you like a girl then show her you care. buy her a gift on valentines day. Make sure you remember her b-day. Help her on homework. If my crush did these things i would like him even more!! good-luck!!
When you're at school and you are passing by her in the hallways, say something to make her laugh. If it works that's awesome and later when you're at lunch, sit by her and ask what she likes. Then when you get the answer, try and see her around on a later time but if she lives in your Neighborhood that is much easier.
If she lives in your Neighborhood that's great, and if you can see her at a later time I suggest 2:15 PM - 5:15 PM. It depends on what you do during those 3 hours to get her to like you.
7th grade girls have diverse interests, but common favorites may include socializing with friends, music, movies, fashion, sports, and technology. They may also enjoy creative activities like Arts and Crafts or writing. It's important to consider the individual preferences of each girl when trying to engage with or understand them.