Girls like the alpha male, usually. If you are more dominant then you will stand out to them, expecially in high school. Hence why jocks are most popular with the ladies. When you get older you'll notice that "women" (not girls) like men. Guys that are responsible and compassionate and act like an adult.
Bottom line, Don't worry about relationships as a kid. They will be short and full of drama.
extra note seriously listen cos i know:
we get embarrassed easily but if you leave us too long we dont like it.
we want you to be clever but not geeky
make a fool of youreself a bit
make us feel good
be kind
looks are gr8 but dont make them bad by bosting or acting too COOL
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At 14 years old, girls might find boys attractive for their personality, sense of humor, kindness, and shared interests. They may also be drawn to boys who are confident, respectful, and good listeners. It's important to remember that each individual may have their own preferences and qualities they find appealing in others.
Answer: mostly nothing, they are more into cars and sports as they should be. Give it a couple of years and girls will be all they think of and there won't be any like "part" about it, they will like all things and every thing about girls. Dating will be they way they figure out what they want in a partner and that will change by the week.
I'm 14, And i Know What i Like in Boys, Defo The Way He Treats You, The Way He Acts 2 You in Front Of His Friends, When He Tells You He Loves You No Matter Who's Listening, when he holds your hands and kisses u in public, when he looks u in the eyes and tells u he loves u, when he gives u Ur hoody when its raining or when your cold, the boys personality/reputation, if He Has A Rep For Fighting And You Like Bad Boys Go For it, But if Not Stay Well Clear,, His Hair And The Way He Dresses, The Presents He Buys You, But it Always Depends Of What Your intrests Are..x GudLuck Gurliee:) Muffins_x:) OxXo
well... being a fourteen years-old myself i think i can give you a fairly basic idea of what most girls like in a guy.
- sweet
- full of humour
- works out/ good at at least one sport (some prefer muscles but some prefer skinny guys)
- smart
- taller than her
- same age/older
- smells good ( its always good when a guy naturally smells fresh and guyly)
- open to the girl
- gentlemen-like (if she likes good guys) or kind of like gangster/rebel-lookalike ( if she likes bad guys)
- nice hair
- nice shoes ( some girls like it but i dont really know why...)
- SMILES ( this is extremely important)
here are the things that girls like but guys dont really get:
1. if a guy give special attention to her. its good when a guy is friends with a lot of girls but only open up to her and treat her differently than other girl friends.
2. not to be obessive. its really freaky when a guy comments on everything she writes on facebook. which, trust me, is extremely annoying as it happened to me before. my facebook page looked as if it is HIS instead of mine.
3. dont say i love you to her when she hardly knows you as it is freaky. she would either think you treat love lightly as she does not even know you that well no matter how well you think you know her.
4. respect her. this is extremely important. my friend had a guy friend and they liked each other really much. they went for coffee but then he started touching her inappropriately (sitting on the same seat and putting his arms around her waist and face just inches away). it was extremely obvious that he really wanted to touch her and he was acting like theyre bgf which really freaked her out. she ignored him afterwards.
Hope this helps.
I'm an an 11 year old boy and I'd like it if a girl said hi or hangs out with me at recess or lunch. It's not that hard for a boy to find out which girl or if no girls like him.laugh a lot around him, at his jokes or what he thinks is funny, even if it's not funny. We like when you talk about you, but a fourth of the time we like to talk about us.
Different girl find different things attractive in a guy. Sometimes they like an athlete, or sometimes girls like guys who sing. There are tons of different types. You just need to figure out what you like in a guy.
They can definitley be intrested in girls. They just dont show it like an average guy, they make fun of and tease the girls in a very rude way. They just are not sure how to show it.
take this from me because im a girl and what i like in a guy is ... a 6pack and also the attitude looks dont just make it all up.and and fyi im 11
they like fun, sporty, someone they would talk to and not be uncomfortable. (usually)