Most .22 rifles are sighted at 25 yards. Some may be sighted for 50 yards, depends on your hunting. Try 25 yards, and hold higher for longer shots.
adjust rear sight up for distance
Should be a Stevens rifle, but the peep sight would probably be aftermarket. If you can send a digital picture of the rifle and a closeup of the sight we can probably ID it for you.
A sniper rifle is a precision rifle that has a telescopic sight which allows operators to target an object that is far in the distance. Sniper rifles are used in military combat.
100 yards is the most effective distance to sight in primarily. However, if you know the distance your rifle will be performing at, then sight in as close to that as you can. For instance, if you are going to be hunting open land i.e Wyoming, then youll most likely want to be set in at 200 considering typically, you will be shooting longer distances. For regular white tail hunting, 100 yards is perfect.
You are looking for the "sight picture". that is formed when you align the rear sight with the front sight and the target. Here is how to find it. At the very end of the barrel on top is the front sight. About 2/3 of the way back and still on top is the rear sight. If you hold the rifle stock to your shoulder and support the front of the weapon with one hand you can look down the barrel. You will notice the rear sight looks something like a V and the front sight will look like a dot. If you move the rifle so that the dot appears to be in the middle of that V you have accomplished your initial "sight picture". Now keeping the dot in the center of the V align that with the target you wish to hit. This is your complete sight picture. It will take practice to figure out if the wind is affecting you and distance to the target and a lot of other things but that is the correct way to sight the rifle in and should get you started. Good luck.
"Sighting in" a rifle is the process of adjusting sights (or telescope) so that the point of aim and the point of impact are the same at a given distance. It should be done when the gun is first acquired, whenever sights have been moved (or removed) and prior to use for hunting, shooting in competition, etc.
I recommend checking online for videos and forums to assist you in setting the sight for your rifle. With each rifle and barrell, it will differ on how the sight is set and someone with more knowledge may be able to assist you.
One "Click" is not a measurement of distance; it is a rifle sight adjustment. By moving the trajectory or elevation adjustments of the rear sight of the M1 or M16, the sight picture is moved by one inch at twenty-five meters, right or left, up or down.One "Klick" is military shorthand for the distance of one kilometer.
You sight it to a specific range , e.g. 100 meters. Clamp the rifle to a solid object, or use a benchrest. Shoot at a target and adjust the sight accordingly, until the holes in the target zero in to the sight.
Assuming you mean a Mauser 24/47, use the sight as you would any open rifle sight. The slider on the rear sight adjusts for range- marked in meters.
It's not the rifle, it's the operator. <><><> Either the aiming point is too high, or the rear sight is set too high. Many rifles are "zeroed" for a given distance. Fired at a lesser distance, strike of the bullet may be higher than the aiming point.