A stack is a data structure in which last item inserted is taken out first . That's why they are known as LIFO (last in first out). Inserting an item in stack is termed as push and taking an item out from stack I s termed as pop. Some applications of stack are : Polish notation, reversing string, backtracking , quick sort algorithm etc. The queue is a linear data structure where operations od insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. Whenever a new item is added to queue, rear pointer is used. and the front pointer is used when an item is deleted from the queue.
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The queue is a linear data structure where operations of insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. A circular queue is similar to the normal queue with the difference that queue is circular queue ; that is pointer rear can point to beginning of the queue when it reaches at the end of the queue. Advantage of this type of queue is that empty location let due to deletion of elements using front pointer can again be filled using rear pointer. A double ended queue (or deque ) is a queue where insertion and deletion can be performed at both end that is front pointer can be used for insertion (apart from its usual operation i.e. deletion) and rear pointer can be used for deletion (apart from its usual operation i.e. insertion)
A stack is a data structure in which last item inserted is taken out first . That's why they are known as LIFO (last in first out). Inserting an item in stack is termed as push and taking an item out from stack I s termed as pop. Some applications of stack are : Polish notation, reversing string, backtracking , quick sort algorithm etc. The queue is a linear data structure where operations od insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. Whenever a new item is added to queue, rear pointer is used. and the front pointer is used when an item is deleted from the queue.
Circular queues are very efficient and work well with low level codes. Ordinary queues are the standard type of queue but they do not maximize memory data well.
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In stack , the object which is last in will be first out (LIFO), whereas in queue the object which is first in will be first out (FIFO).
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A stack is a data structure in which last item inserted is taken out first . That's why they are known as LIFO (last in first out). Inserting an item in stack is termed as push and taking an item out from stack I s termed as pop. Stack pointer is the pointer that points to the top of the stack or that points the item at the top of the stack and help in adding or deleting the item from the top of stack. The queue is a linear data structure where operations of insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. types of queues : circular, linear, double ended and priority
In a queue, elements are placed in line; the first to get into the queue is the first to get out (FIFO - first in, first out).A stack is also a structure to store pieces of data, or objects, but the last element to get in will be the first element to get out (LIFO).In a queue, elements are placed in line; the first to get into the queue is the first to get out (FIFO - first in, first out).A stack is also a structure to store pieces of data, or objects, but the last element to get in will be the first element to get out (LIFO).In a queue, elements are placed in line; the first to get into the queue is the first to get out (FIFO - first in, first out).A stack is also a structure to store pieces of data, or objects, but the last element to get in will be the first element to get out (LIFO).In a queue, elements are placed in line; the first to get into the queue is the first to get out (FIFO - first in, first out).A stack is also a structure to store pieces of data, or objects, but the last element to get in will be the first element to get out (LIFO).
LIFO and stack are synonyms, so are FIFO and queue.
A stack is generally First In, Last Out, and a queue is First In First Out.Item can be added or removed only at one end in stack and in a queue insertion at the rear and deletion from the front.The basic operation of stack are 'push' and 'pop', on other hand of queue are 'enque' and 'dequeue'.
Ready queue contain all the jobs that are ready to execute.so the job queue and the ready queue are one and the same.
yes,cursor implementation possible in priority queue.
There are many ways to reverse the order of the elements in a queue. Provided that you have access to the implementation of the queue, it is of course easy to read the elements from the tail end rather than the front end, thus reversing the elements. However, considering the queue as a black box, and assuming the queue only allows for its characteristic operations (removal of head element, addition to tail), the best method to reverse the elements in a queue to engage a stack. You'd remove the elements from the queue (always reading the head of the queue), and push each element onto the stack. When the queue is empty, you reverse that process: pop each element from the stack until it is empty, and add each element in this order to the end of the queue. Your queue will have the exact same elements as in the beginning, but in reverse order. The exact implementation of this in C, or in any other programming language, is trivial, but the exact source code depends on the implementation of queue and stack containers. Following is pseudocode: Queue<Item> reverse (Queue<Item> queue) { Stack<Item> stack; Item item; while (queue.remove(&item)) { stack.push(item); } while(stack.pop(&item)) { queue.add(item); } return queue; }
Double ended queue
A stack is a data structure in which last item inserted is taken out first . That's why they are known as LIFO (last in first out). Inserting an item in stack is termed as push and taking an item out from stack I s termed as pop. Some applications of stack are : Polish notation, reversing string, backtracking , quick sort algorithm etc. The queue is a linear data structure where operations od insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. Whenever a new item is added to queue, rear pointer is used. and the front pointer is used when an item is deleted from the queue.
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