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the benefit they had was control, no working (being lazy), and they didn't have to pay the slave

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Q: What did the south benefit from slavery?
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Who didn't benefit from slavery?

Slaves did not benefit from slavery.

Who did slavery benefit?

Slavery benefited the slave owners and the industries that relied on slave labor for cheap production, such as agriculture, mining, and textiles. It provided economic gains and social status for those who exploited enslaved individuals for their own profit and comfort.

Who is Hinton Helper?

Helper Hinton is a North Carolinian author during the Antebellum era of the United States. Writer of The Impending Crisis in the South, he argued that slavery did not benefit non-slave owning whites in the South. His book The Impending Crisis in the South, was banned in the South at the time for its direct criticism of slavery.

Was the south for or against slavery?

The south was against slavery.

Why was the south against slavery?

Actually the NORTH was against slavery, and the SOUTH wanted slavery.

How did slavery benefit Africa?

no it didnt

Was slavery good for the south?

yes slavery was good for the south

Did the south favor or oppose slavery?

The South favoured slavery

What generalization can you make about the abolition of slavery in the south?

They did not want slavery in the south they wanted to be apart of slavery.

Did the north or the south have slavery?

Both had slavery, the south just had it for longer.

How did slaves benefit from slaveryaccording to dew and Harper?

According to Thomas Dew and William Harper, proponents of slavery argued that slavery benefited slaves by providing them with the necessities of life, such as food, clothing, and shelter. They also believed that slavery offered slaves protection and care that they might not have had otherwise. Additionally, they saw slavery as a way for slaves to be introduced to Christianity and civilization.