may I have the next dents? 25 letter spaces including spaces in between words (math)
You should say "There is a boy and a girl." The verb "is" should agree with the singular subject "a boy and a girl."
For a boy, you would say "allemand" and for a girl, you would say "allemande" in French.
Not every boy that says hello to a girl likes the girl. He may say hello to be friendly.
scourge is a boy although some people say hes a girl.
the boy
to say brown skin you say "moreno" if your a boy and "morena" if a girl to say brown skin you say "moreno" if your a boy and "morena" if a girl
Rumor has it that the boy apple called the girl apple "fresh".
is it to a boy or girl?
No, I have to say Rachael is a girl.