The Underground Railroad was created through team work of freed northern slaves and enslaved southerners.
The southerners viewed slaves as property.
the southerners viewed slaves as a good thing
Because they were trying to take away slavery. Southerners needed slaves their plantations.
The northern workers worked in big factories and were interested in the mass production of cotton that the slaves did in the south. The workers needed the cotton from the south to keep their factories going. Therefore, they essentially needed slaves to keep their jobs.
Fully 3/4 of southerners did not own slaves at the eve of the Civil War.
Southerners viewed slaves as property. The southerners defended this by saying that the Bible allowed for them to have slaves.
How many southerners owned 20 or more slaves
One reason southerners started using slaves(1660)is because indentured servants were leaving plantations to start families and whatnot. Another reason is that planters were not successful when they tried to enslave the Native Americans.
Yes, in fact, northern farms didn't have slaves. It was the southern states only that used slavery. By 1860 there were 6 million slaves in the southern states.
The southern colony had slaves.