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they had to go through pain and suffering and had to be separated fom there parents at birth...wemen and children were raped by white males.slaves had to work in fields picking cotton washing ,cleaning ect..";beat and if they try to escape they will be killed or loose a limb..

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Q: What did slaves have to go through?
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Why would slaves try to kill themselves?

To get out of the pain and suffering that they had to go through.

Who forced slaves to go fight in the civil war?

No one made slaves go in to war. Slaves chose whether to go in war or not.

Where did the slaves go to the toilet on slaveships?

Slaves would go to the bathroom outside of the ship and into the water.

Does Thomas Jefferson think he has the right to go to northern states and get his property (slaves) if they try to run away?

Yes, There are records that he did advertise for the return of missing slaves. Thomas Jefferson became a slave owner through inheritance and through marriage. He did not have the financial wherewithal to buy his slaves and to set them free, although he did recommend some plans to do so. He did free his children through Sally Henning through his will. The remaining slaves were sold to pay debts of the estate. In 1778, the state of Virginia ended the slave trade.

Why didn't the confederacy draft slaves and free blacks into the army?

Because it was already bad enough what blacks had to go through at that time!

Were Gladiators slaves?

Most of the gladiators were slaves. Slaves in antiquity were civilian war captives. Therefore, slaves and prisoners were one and the same thing. There were some freemen who volunteered to be gladiators

When did slaves go free?

It is thought of the slaves went free in 1441.AD

Where were the majority of African slaves sent to in the Americas?

Slaves went from the south, to Canada through the underground railroad.

Did the slaves voluntarily go to America?

Not at all. They were forced to become slaves and work for the whites.

Were slaves ever stolen?

Yes, throughout history, slaves have been stolen or captured through raids, wars, and human trafficking. This has occurred in various regions and periods, with slaves being taken forcibly from their homes and communities to be exploited for labor or other purposes.

How did the middle colony get their slaves?

Through trade with Africa.

What led up to general sherman's order of 40 acres and mule for former slaves?

Freed slaves followed the march of Sherman's army through Georgia.