Scrooge thought he saw a locomotive hearse going on before him in the gloom.
In is own bed
A true climber always climbs higher the next time.
Rose Tyler is a fictional character from the television series "Doctor Who." She is portrayed by actress Billie Piper.
The Irish thought the Big Dipper looked like a plow, which they associated with agriculture and the harvest season. They saw the pattern as a symbol of fertility and abundance in their folklore.
Apollo's hair color is usually depicted as being golden or blonde.
Scrooge thought he saw the face of his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley, in the knocker on his front door as he started up the staircase to his home on Christmas Eve.
He was unsure who was under the cloth but started to guess it was to be him
It's a starcase made out of a saw!
Bob Cratchit tells the other employees at Scrooge's office that he saw Scrooge working when Marley was sick.
He said he saw Scrooge sitting alone.
He said he saw Scrooge sitting alone.
Chains dragging.
When Fuzziwig went bankrupt (in a similar way to that of Dickens own father John) Scrooge saw that being nice nealtry always ended in loss of friends and family this is then endorsed when Belle ends their engagement when Scrooge works continually to earn more money
Ebenezer Scrooge.
Scrooge saw a bright, shining light coming from the Ghost of Christmas Past, who was waiting to take him on a journey through his past memories.
Scrooge saw the first image of Marley's ghost in the knocker on his door, which transformed into Marley's face. This haunting image set the tone for the visitation that would follow and filled Scrooge with fear and dread.
i think Albert Einstein