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They rounded sticks and stuck it in sort of like a tampon- they would wrap up freshly ripened leaves around the stick to provide a more comfortable feeling. If this was not a preffered method, they would use animal skins and strap it on using tree sap.

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Q: What did cavewomen use when they started their period?
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What did cavewomen use when they started their cycle?

they would often use moss cloth or even dried grass

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What do you do when you have started your period?

Put a tampon in or use a pad.

What not to do if you haven't started your period?

NEVER use tampons if you haven't started....... its not good for you and they are uncomfortable if you haven't started.

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It's fine. Use a backup method of birth control for the first seven days.

Your period started August 8 when started your period in the next period?

Probably around September 8th

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The difference between the rose period and the blue period is that the rose period started when Pablo found the love of his life, but the blue period started when his best friend died.

How many pounds do you have to be to start your period?

I am not sure. I started my period when I weighed about 100 pounds i was 75 pounds when i started

I started my period on the 25th it ended the 29th and then I started having pinky discharge but only when I wiped could that be implantation bleeding or is my period just not over?

It could be your period...... or ending your period