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They planned how they would escape....

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they didn'T have free time

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Q: What did black African black slaves do on their free time?
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Why are all black people slaves why not white people?

Because during the triangular slave trade most slaves were imported for the north western coast of Africa, also known as "the gold coast" due to the huge amount of profit that slave trade made. There were white and Asian slaves in the US not just African during that time period. African tribes captured slaves from warring tribes and sold them to America. The ones not sold were killed off. All races of the world were slaves at one point in time; this can be shown throughout the Roman Empire. Also Indians(not "American" Indians) were the highest populous that were slaves in the whole world All ethnicities have been enslaved, not just black Africans.

What is the difference between slaves and indentured survents?

Slaves are purchased by an owner and are slaves for the rest of their lives. no pay. An indentured servant is someone that works for someone for a set amount of time. after that time is up, they are free to do as they will.

Why did many slaves remain on the farms where they had worked as slaves?

Many freed slaves remained on the farms where they had worked as slaves for several reasons: Some masters asked (or demanded) that the newly free slaves stay on the master's property, offering a house and wages. However, by the time the master was done charging the freed slaves for rent and supplies, they received no wages and could not afford to move to another place. Some slaves were not told that they were free. Many freed slaves did not know how to live as free men and women. They would try it for awhile and then return to their former masters. Others stayed with their masters because the master had been good to them and continued to treat them well after emancipation.

Why did many freed slaves remain on the farm where they had worked as slaves?

Many freed slaves remained on the farms where they had worked as slaves for several reasons: Some masters asked (or demanded) that the newly free slaves stay on the master's property, offering a house and wages. However, by the time the master was done charging the freed slaves for rent and supplies, they received no wages and could not afford to move to another place. Some slaves were not told that they were free. Many freed slaves did not know how to live as free men and women. They would try it for awhile and then return to their former masters. Others stayed with their masters because the master had been good to them and continued to treat them well after emancipation.

Why are black people slaves and not white?

All races, creeds and colours have been slaves. It is still a problem todayHistory lesson:While this is not a popular perspective, it is no less true -- every racial group on this planet has experienced the condition of slavery from the perspective of the slave at some time in the past. The African slave trade is not the only example of this condition in history, nor is it the worst example of it. It is simply the system that has received the most press and been the subject of most recent discussion on the subject of slavery. Currently, the slave trade is a major problem world wide, however, that trade rather than being a matter of labor is now more the trade in sex slaves.

Related questions

Were African Americans slaves during the revolution?

During the American revolution, there were black slaves, black former slaves that had paid off their indenture, and free black people. However, the concept of the evil of slavery was a hot topic at the time. President Washington and others made moves to abandon slavery for the country. Too bad he never freed his own slaves . . .

How did free african americans protect their freedom during this time in texas?

They made it look like they were free and didn't look like slaves.

Were did African slaves come from?

African slaves came from the West coast of Africa - at that time there were no countries as we now know them in that area.

How did African Americans in the north react to the emancipation proclamation?

White southerners where horrified. They were worried that the slaves would revolt. The slaves were confused but were free they started a revolt and put the confederacy into financial struggles .

What did slaves do in their free time?

Slaves did not have activities that they could do in their free time in the same way that other people did. They were slaves to their owners, and were forced to do grueling work throughout the day.

How were African American treated in the north during the 1800s?

they could own slaves themselves but mainly did this to buy then later on free family members of other masters. Free blacks could also they could own slaves themselves but mainly did this to buy then later on free family members of other masters. Free blacks could also big boy i want u love me long time

What religion did African slaves get taught?

When black people lived in Africa, they had all different kinds of religion, and whatever religion the families they were sold to were, was what they were taught.

African-American troops during the civil war?

There were many African American troops in the US Civil War. By 1865, one in ten Union Soldiers was African American. An estimated 40,000 African Americans died in the war.

How did Egyptian slaves spend their free time?


What time did African slaves eat?

they got feed once a week

Was the north or the south a free state for black people to become free?

The North was generally more accepting of free black people compared to the South. Although there were still racial prejudices and discrimination in the North, free black people had more legal rights and protections there. In contrast, the South had a system of slavery that denied freedom and basic rights to black people.

How did African Americans get affected by the US Constitution?

whites were no longer allowed to have slaves, therefore African-Americans were free. African-Americans were allowed to work for pay, even though at that time the pay rate for African Americans was not very high, they were allowed to work and provide for their families