He owned a newspaper , the Liberator, in which he wrote about ending slavery. He also was a founder of the American Anti-Slavery group.
William Lloyd Garrison was a strong supporter of the Abolitionist movement to end slavery in the US. He published a newspaper that was geared to help the end slavery. At one point he was sued for his statements against slave owners.
The end of slavery in the United States.
Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison helped the anti-slavery movement in the US based upon his publishing and speeches against slavery. His was one of the most prominent persons in the early 1800's that voiced a protest against the institution of slavery.
He owned the The Liberator which was considered a radical abolitionist newspaper and he was one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society.
he and William wilberforce helped abolish the slave trade by keeping on at the parliament
William Lloyd Garrison was a strong supporter of the Abolitionist movement to end slavery in the US. He published a newspaper that was geared to help the end slavery. At one point he was sued for his statements against slave owners.
The Liberator
William Lloyd Garrison, editor of The Liberator.
The end of slavery in the United States.
William Lloyd Garrison, editor of The Liberator.
theydid not like it
Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison helped the anti-slavery movement in the US based upon his publishing and speeches against slavery. His was one of the most prominent persons in the early 1800's that voiced a protest against the institution of slavery.
William Lloyd Garrison was a strong supporter of the Abolitionist movement to end slavery in the US. He published a newspaper that was geared to help the end slavery. At one point he was sued for his statements against slave owners.
It wages call
It wages call
attacked the US Constitution because it condoned slavery. Henretta, pg. 336.
Henry Highland Garnet believed in more aggressive tactics to end slavery, advocating for armed resistance and violent uprising. William Lloyd Garrison, on the other hand, was a pacifist who believed in nonviolent resistance and moral persuasion to end slavery.