He asks the portley gentlemen who were seeking a charitable donation if there were any prisons, were there any workhouses, are the treadmill and the poverlty laws still operational. It was Scrooges way of telling the men he felt the poor should go to the pleaces and if they didnt like it and died then that was fine as it would decrease teh surplus population
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The gentleman visitor in "A Christmas Carol" is the portly gentleman who visits Scrooge at the beginning of the story to ask for a donation to help the poor and destitute during the Christmas season. Scrooge dismisses him at first, but eventually has a change of heart after being visited by the three spirits.
Jacob Marley, Ebeneezer Scrooge's old partner was the first visitor on Christmas Eve. He came to tell Scrooge how after his death, he was doomed to haunt the earth while carrying the weight of many chains because he was greedy while on earth. He warns Scrooge that his fate will be even worse unless he changes. Marley also warns Scrooge that he will be visited by three ghosts that night-the Ghosts of Christmases past, present, and future.
Marley was the first ghostly visitor followed by the foretold ghosts
The first spirit-like visitor seen by Ebenezer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" is the ghost of his former business partner, Jacob Marley. Marley's ghost appears to warn Scrooge about his current path and to set the stage for the visits by the three Christmas spirits.
In his counting house - He locked up and went to the local Ail House which was his usual habit. At home it would have been MArley who was the visitor and Scrooge would have gone to bed to away his ghostly intervention
The cast of Her Visitor - 1912 includes: Chester Barnett as Gentleman George Joseph Belmont as Claude Belmont Pearl White as Pearl Burnham
The spirit of Christmas Yet to Come was waiting for Scrooge in the next room. This silent and ominous figure showed Scrooge events that were yet to come if he did not change his ways.
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The visitor is Jacob Marley Scrooges long dead busines partner. He foretells of three ghosts who will visit Scrooge The firts will be on Christmas Day at one am. "Expect the second on the next night at the same hour. The third upon the next night when the last stroke of Twelve has ceased to vibrate.
She responds to the minister in a bringht way. It's on the top paragraph of page 88.
In "A Christmas Carol," Scrooge's only visitor is his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley, who appears as a ghost. Scrooge does not have any friends early in the story, but he eventually connects with his nephew Fred and with Bob Cratchit and his family.
Jacob Marley was Ebenezer Scrooge's business partner in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." He was the very first ghostly visitor to Scrooge on Christmas Eve to tell Scrooge that he would be visited by three other spirits that night. The opening sentences of the book are "Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that."