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he drew a symbol that was tattooed on his arm.

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Q: What did Queequeg use for a signature?
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How do you pronounce Queequeg?

you pronounce Queequeg like (kwee-ck-you-egg

Which island was Queequeg from?

Queequeg was from the fictional island of Rokovoko in the novel "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville.

Who was queequegs father in Moby Dick?

In "Moby-Dick," Queequeg's father is named Rokovoko. He is the chief of the fictional island of Rokovoko in the South Seas where Queequeg hails from. Queequeg is a skilled harpooner and a central character in Herman Melville's novel.

What was the Ramadan?

a period of fasting for Queequeg

What is the skill that Queequeg has and gets him a job on the ship?

Queequeg's skill is harpooning; he is an expert harpooner, which secures him a job on the ship Pequod as a harpooner.

Who was the harpooner for chief mate on the pequod?

Queequeg (:

How did queequeg shave?

He used his harpoon to shave with.

Who did Peleg give a Quaker pamphlet to?


In Herman Melville and Moby-Dick what is Queequeg and job aboard the boat?

Queequeg is a harpooner aboard the Pequod, the whaling ship in "Moby-Dick". As a harpooner, Queequeg is skilled in hunting and killing whales. He is also depicted as a loyal and fearless companion to Ishmael, the novel's protagonist.

What feeling did ishmael have on meeting queequeg?

Ishmael was initially wary and cautious upon meeting Queequeg, a tattooed islander, due to his unfamiliar appearance and customs. However, Ishmael quickly warmed up to Queequeg's kindness and sincerity, leading to a strong bond of friendship between them.

Which pagan idol did Queequeg worship?

choose the ship on which they would sail

What are the ar quiz answers to Moby Dick?

The morning after they met, Ishmael was amazed to see Queequeg