you pronounce Queequeg like (kwee-ck-you-egg
Queequeg was from the fictional island of Rokovoko in the novel "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville.
In "Moby-Dick," Queequeg's father is named Rokovoko. He is the chief of the fictional island of Rokovoko in the South Seas where Queequeg hails from. Queequeg is a skilled harpooner and a central character in Herman Melville's novel.
a period of fasting for Queequeg
Queequeg's skill is harpooning; he is an expert harpooner, which secures him a job on the ship Pequod as a harpooner.
Queequeg (:
He used his harpoon to shave with.
Queequeg is a harpooner aboard the Pequod, the whaling ship in "Moby-Dick". As a harpooner, Queequeg is skilled in hunting and killing whales. He is also depicted as a loyal and fearless companion to Ishmael, the novel's protagonist.
Ishmael was initially wary and cautious upon meeting Queequeg, a tattooed islander, due to his unfamiliar appearance and customs. However, Ishmael quickly warmed up to Queequeg's kindness and sincerity, leading to a strong bond of friendship between them.
choose the ship on which they would sail
The morning after they met, Ishmael was amazed to see Queequeg