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religious leaders in the following religions and denominations condone gay clergy:

North America

MCCNY, a church in New York City.

Grace Gospel Chapel, in Seattle.Anthem Phoenix & Family of Churches

Anointed Affirming Independent Ministries

Community of Christ

Reconciling Pentecostals International

Affirming Pentecostal Church International

Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists

Ecumenical Catholic Church

Ecumenical Catholic Communion

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Evangelical Anglican Church In America

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Episcopal Church (United States)

Friends General Conference

Global Alliance of Affirming Apostolic Pentecostals

Inclusive Orthodox Church

Metropolitan Community Church

Old Catholic Church

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Progressive Christian Alliance

Reformed Anglican Catholic Church

Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) - a Latter Day Saint denomination

United Church of Christ

United Church of Canada

Unity Church

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Mexico - Affirming Pentecostal Church International


German Lutheran, reformed and united churches in Evangelical Church in Germany

German, Swiss, Austrian and Dutch Old Catholic Church

Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Ecumenical Catholic Communion

Swiss reformed churches in Swiss Reformed Church

Protestant Church in the Netherlands

Church of Denmark

Church of Norway

Church of Sweden

Church of Iceland

United Protestant Church in Belgium

Portugal - Affirming Pentecostal Church International

British Quakers

Wales - Affirming Pentecostal Church International

Albania - Affirming Pentecostal Church International

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy (CELI)

Poland - Christian United Church in Poland

United Kingdom - United Ecumenical Catholic Church

Central and South America

Brazil - Affirming Pentecostal Church International

Brazil - Catholic Diversity

Colombia - Affirming Pentecostal Church International

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βˆ™ 11mo ago

Denominations such as the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America allow openly gay pastors to serve. These denominations believe in inclusion and equality for LGBTQ individuals in leadership roles within the church.

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Can you be a Christian and be gay?

There are many gay Christians who would answer, "yes." Some Protestant denominations allow gay pastors, priests, and perform gay marriages. Other Protestant denominations have a stated position that one can be a member of their church if they are gay but remain celibate. Other denominations do not believe people can be Christian and gay. While the Catholic hierarchy does not have an inclusive position on "homosexuality," there are numerous gay Catholics. For people who are gay and want to reconcile that with their faith, "Is the Homosexual My Neighbor?" looks at Christian scripture and offers up examples of prominent gay Christians. Many groups have formed - some officially, others unofficially part of the denominations - to push for more gay inclusion in their church. Mel White's group SoulForce also offers a number of resources. That said, many gay Christians have experienced deep hurts from their experiences with other Christians and their churches. One respondent previously responded to this question, "I'm Roman Catholic and I stopped going to church because personally, if God wanted us to accept each other for who we really are, then why did he make people homosexual so they can be shunned by society."

Did T D Jakes use to be gay?

of course not. he was troubled just like a lot of other great bishops a pastors but no, he was never gay.

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The verb form of condone is "condemn."


Yes. Gay people, whether they are out or closeted, should definitely be pastors. The best way to effect positive change is from within an organization.

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Christian Mingle is an ecumenical Christian dating site. In other words, Christians of all denominations are welcome to use the services. The site has testimonials from pastors from such a variety of churches as Presbyterian and Baptist.

Can a gay man become a pastor?

Yes, but in some denominations, he may be forced to hide it.

What is a sentence for condone?

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How do you use the word condone in the sentence?

To use "condone" in a sentence, you can say: "I do not condone lying under any circumstances." This means that you do not tolerate or support the act of lying.