The following day; be careful not to "over clean" it, though. That will irritate the piercing just as much as not cleaning it.
Well first you stop using what ever it is you are using to clean the piercing, what ever you have been using is causing the bumps or nubs as you call them to appear. Irrigate the piercing under warm running water in the shower and leave it alone, within a few days the piercing should start to get better. By the way it's a navel piercing not a belly piercing.
It should be less red than when it was done, and it'll start to form a 'crust'. This is just a scab, part of the healing process. It comes off when you clean it.
Start with reading the "Related Links" I have posted below, once you have read them you should be able to fix your piercing issue.
I would wait at least 2 weeks just to be sure your body is healing the piercing OK before you start subjecting the piercings to chemicals.
Just go easy on the hand springs and spring rolls and egg rolls and stuff, let your navel piercing tell you when you are getting too carried away. Be sure to stay on top of you aftercare and happy piercing is a clean piercing.
you should all start listening to blink-182. :)
Piercings need to be cleaned daily just like you need to shower or bathe the piercing needs to be cleaned. Body oils can build up and the piercing will start to smell, that's not in your top ten list of things you want happening, so rinse the piercing out daily.
Amoxicillin is an antibiotic, if there is and infection it will fight the infection however it won't fix the piercing. The piercing became infected because you failed to keep the piercing clean, and the infection set in and is doing it's damage to the tissue. You need to clean the piercing daily, every day without fail to allow the body to heal. Using simple diluted antibacterial liquid soap and water in the shower daily would have helped to avoided an infection. Regardless of what antibiotics you take you need to clean the piercing daily, only then will the body be able to clear out the damaged cells and matter and start repairing the damaged tissue. Then once the healing starts, daily rinsing will keep the piercing healthy and happy.
only if your home is located in a body piercing business.
1920's is when American women started piercing their ears.
it completely depends on your body. mine seriously closed in a few hours and I had it done two years before.
What ever you are using to clean the piercing with is causing a hypertrophic reaction. Stop using what ever the piercer told you to use and flush the piercing with lots of warm water in the shower. You need to flush the piercing with water daily and do not use the "junk" you were told to use. Flushing the piercing daily will allow the piercing to get flushed out and the tissue will start to settle down. Be sure to keep the piercing dry during the day time and keep your dirty fingers out of the piercing unless you are washing it. See the Related Links below for more information on lumps and bumps.