Yes, in America slavery did really end after the Civil War. After the war was over slavery was abolished and was no longer legal.
the 13th amendment abolished slavery
it was better for afro-americans because slavery was abolished.
Slavery was officially abolished from the US on Dec 6, 1865, with the passing of the 13th Amendment.
When slavery was abolished, slaves were released from their owners, making them "free".
The 13th Amendment officially abolished slavery.
because its wrong !
The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery.
Yes, in America slavery did really end after the Civil War. After the war was over slavery was abolished and was no longer legal.
Amendment 13 abolished slavery.
Slavery in most parts of Latin America ended during the 19th century. Countries like Brazil abolished slavery in 1888, while countries such as Cuba and Puerto Rico abolished it earlier in the century.
Not in the slightest. Lincoln abolished slavery.
slavery was abolished in 1834
the 13th amendment abolished slavery
No, America abolished slavery in 1860, and the abolition would not havve happened if it had not been for Lincoln. 1860 was late, as Britain abolished slavery in 1807, fifty three years before the British