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The Heroin Diaries start off on Christmas, December 25th.

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Q: What date does the Heroin Diaries start off at?
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Can you get contact high off heroin?

If the heroin is being smoked "chasing the dragon" then contact high is possible, otherwise... No!

How did the sublime singer off himself?

he didnt off him self he overdosed on heroin

Is clonazepam synthetic heroin?

Clonezepam is in a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, and heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid. So no, clonazepam is not synthetic heroin. Oxycontins is a form of synthetic heroin. In a way Methadone is as well, though the main use for methadone is to taper off heroin.

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The Originals is a spin off of the Vampire Diaries, but you do not have to watch the Vampire Diaries first in order to be able to keep up with the plot.

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How does listerene mouthwash help detox off heroin?

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4 by March 1st to start Kindergarten

Can you get a second rush off a single use of heroin?

No you cannot get a second rush off heroin from a sinlgle use. Whether you inject it, smoke, or snort it, the one rush you get is the high of the dose of heroin hitting you. That happens once per hit, shot, or bump/line.

What is extracted from Opium poppies to make Heroin?

milky white necter. scrape that off then boil it down to make heroin. good stuff. not for the kids.

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What you need to do is become her friend. then after you are great friends invite to your house for a study date. Then when shes at your house shhow her your room then start ripping your clothes off and then rip her clothes off of her and throw her on your bed and have sex and she will be impressed and date you

When does the Buffy spin-off series 'ripper' start?

There is still no official start date, but Joss Wheadon continues to express interest in the possibility.