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The U.S. exploded more than half a dozen hydrogen bombs in space. They produced strangely colored glowing clouds right after the explosion and dangerous radiation belts that remained for weeks (causing auroras). Several shots done over the Pacific Ocean triggered electrical blackouts in Hawaii from EMP. One shot actually delayed a Gemini mission launch to avoid the chance of exposing the astronauts to high levels of radiation.

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Q: What country has exploded a nuclear bomb in space?
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At what time nuclear bomb exploded in nagasaki?

11.01 am Japan's time.

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When the Soviet Union exploded an atomic bomb, the US response was to increase its own arsenal and its own testing of nuclear weapons.

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China's first nuclear test took place in 1964 and first hydrogen bomb test occurred in 1967.

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Like a nuclear bomb exploded in japan.

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What are negative effects of Nuclear bomb?

Long Term effects due to radiation Massive Damage to buildings Radioactive area where the bomb exploded

Where was India's first nuclear bomb exploded?

India's first nuclear test on May 18, 1974, described by the Indian government as a "peaceful nuclear explosion." The first Nuclear Test in India was cnducted on 18 May , 1974 at Pokhran.

Are nuclear weapons tested in space?

Yes, nuclear weapons have been tested in space by several countries during the Cold War era. These tests were conducted to study the effects of nuclear explosions in space and to assess the impact of such explosions on satellites and communication systems. However, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) prohibits nuclear weapon tests in any environment, including space.

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Does a nuclear bomb give radiation?

Yes a nuclear bomb gives radiation. Radiation is transfer of energy through empty space.

What energy would occur if a nuclear bomb exploded?

blastthermal flashlight (visible & UV)x-raysneutron fluxgamma rays

Can a nuclear bomb explode in space and produce a mushroom cloud?
