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Eid is a Muslim celebration

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Which countries around the world celebrate Eid?

Any Arabic or Islamic country will celebrate Eid

How many days do Muslims have eid for?

There are two Eid celebrations. One is Eid after the month of Fasting - Ramadan, and another Eid during tenth day of Haj Pilgrimage. In the West Muslims celebrate for one day only, but in the Islamic countries they celebrate it for about 3 to 4 days.

How do algerians celebrate eid?

yes they do because they are Muslims (i am an Algerian and i celebrate eid )

How do the Algerians celebrate eid?

yes they do because they are Muslims (i am an Algerian and i celebrate eid )

How did you spend your eid?

i cant celebrate eid

Where do Muslims celebrate Eid?

Islam is a global religion. Muslims everywhere celebrate Eid.

What do Jordan Celebrate?

Eid,eid al mubarak and ramadan

How i Write a sentence with eid al adha?

I Love Eid.!! Muslims celebrate Eid.

What do pakistanies celebrate?


How do they celebrate this Eid?

lights and more

What is the story behind eid?

eid is celebrate of an Important event in History of Islam.

What tradition does Muslims celebrate?

its called eid!