Your body could be ready to have your first period. I'm 12 turnin 13 next month and have discharge but no period. Last year on my birthday I first started having discharge. So may b next month on my birthday I might have my period so. Idk. Don't worry it's all normal:)
Contact your doctor. It could be an infection of some kind.
Its highly possible ive heard im in the same boat :(
Hi, im Olivia and im only 12 but i know that discharge is a way of cleaning out your vagina its all like one big machine, as you cant exactly wash inside your vulva so that's what it does. xx <3
hey im having same thing im 8 days late and i juss wiped and it was strigy and thick white discharge..anything happen with u ? are u pregnant? thanks
Yes you could be pregnant.
Not necessarily. Are you anticipating possible pregnancy?
If accompanied by itching and redness, it could mean you have a vaginal yeast infection. If your period is late, and you are having this discharge you should see your doctor or go to a health clinic and have it checked.
if you're getting discharge you're oviouslys in puberty, mcfarland!
You Should go to your doctor to get a check up, but its nothing urgent. yellow discharge could just mean an infection. stomach pains in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is also very common. just go get a check up :)
The letters, IM, could stand for Instant Messaging.
Not a lot of info, but sounds like it could be a yeast infection. have a talk with mom or if you are uncomfortable talk to your school nurse.